CMP 2017 BC/Yukon Branch
Publication Date: October 5th, 2017
The 2017 conference and AGM of the BC/Yukon Branch of the Canadian Mineral Processors will be held on Thursday, November 30th at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, 655 Burrard Street in Vancouver. Registration will be open at 7:00am and the meeting will begin at 8:00am.
There will be a reception held on Wednesday, November 29th from 5:30pm – 12:00am at Moose’s Down Under, 830 West Pender Street in Vancouver. The reception is also open to those who cannot attend the conference. Again, this year, we are holding a toy drive for the Lower Mainland Christmas Bureau. For every unwrapped toy brought to Moose’s, a free beverage ticket will be provided. We encourage you to bring as many toys as you can and there is no limit!